SEO Buddy | We Make SEO Simple, Fun & Repeatable.

Get step-by-step SEO frameworks that make getting to the top of Google soooo much easier

Boost domain authority and increase organic traffic with these easy-to-follow SEO frameworks. And focus on the work that actually gets results.

Exclamation circle Important: This is not another SEO data tool

We’re not here to replace your SEO tools, those that help you track keyword performance and competitors and so on. Those data tools are super useful – for data. But they’re not so great at helping you know what to do, and when to do it.

That’s where SEO Buddy helps you out. Instead of confusion, you get clear actionable strategies. And instead of drowning in data, you get simple step-by-step frameworks that help you find the most valuable SEO opportunities.

Put simply, you’ll better understand SEO. You’ll focus on the work that gets results. And you’ll build the habits that result in success. So people find you when they search, and buy from you, not your competitors.

Want more traffic?
Get SEO Buddy in your toolkit.

SEO Checklist

Framework #1 – The SEO Checklist

Level: Beginner

This 102-point checklist helps you make sense of SEO. It gives you a bird’s eye view of every important action you need to take to optimize your site and get more traffic. Plus, it comes with 60+ step-by-step guides to make everything easier. It’s useful if you’re experienced, essential if you’re a beginner.

Link Chest

Framework #2 – The Link Chest

Level: Beginner to intermediate

Want to rank higher? Backlinks are key. The Link Chest is a huge library of easy-to-win backlinks to kickstart your SEO Journey, grow domain authority and improve your site’s ranking. Plus, you get a software tool that makes it faster and easier to hunt these backlinks.

SEO Journey

Framework #3 – My SEO Journey

Level: Beginner

Access 45+ case studies that show how real entrepreneurs and marketers attracted more organic traffic, from Y Combinator grads and million dollar businesses to total newbies. Discover their most effective traffic boosting tools and tactics. Learn from their mistakes. Get inspired by their successes.

SEO University

Framework #4 – SEO University

Level: All

This is your home for learning all things SEO, from getting started to the more advanced tactics to generate traffic. We’re talking keywords, algorithms, link building, SEO copywriting, ecommerce, technical SEO, metrics, and everything else that matters. When you have questions, come here for the answers.

SOP Collection

Bonus Asset – The SOP Collection

Level: Beginner

This is a series of 66 (and counting) standard operating procedures for key SEO tasks. Not sure what you’re doing? Simply follow the guides (which include annotated screenshots) to avoid painful trial and error. If you do know SEO, this is an instant set of customizable SOPs, so your team can follow the same proven process.

Why some don’t get to the top of Google

To be frank, some people expect SEO miracles to happen. They think if they post a few blog articles, get a few backlinks, they’ll suddenly rocket to the top of Google.

But the reality is, SEO is not magic and it’s not easy. Success comes from taking small steps forward, consistently. It’s like keeping your body in good shape. You don’t have to run 10 miles a day, but you do have to keep moving.

So SEOBUDDY is for people that are prepared to do the work, but just need a little guidance on what work to do. And some help to make that work simpler and easier.

Top of Google
Romain Brabant, SEO Buddy Founder

SEO without all the headaches

Hey, I’m Romain, founder of SEO Buddy. I can help you on your SEO journey because I’ve walked your path. I’ve started from scratch and ranked sites at the top of Google and had a lot of success because of that. But I know it’s not easy...

> SEO is not rocket science, but it gets complicated. It’s hard to know what to do. And it's very easy to get overwhelmed and give up.

> And there is so much great data available these days. But it’s also easy to get lost in that data, which makes it harder to make the right decisions, and to make progress.

So I created SEO Buddy to take away these headaches. These frameworks have been designed to make SEO simpler, easier and faster. And to help you actually do the work that matters – the work that gets results.

Don’t waste more time. Roll up your sleeves today 💪

Get simple frameworks that help you take action, make progress and actually climb the Google rankings.


Learn the SEO skills and tactics you need to rank a site.

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