The SOP Collection - Get the SEO Blueprint for reaching page one
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(Think of it like a sip of wine before you get the bottle)



Helping business owners and marketers succeed with SEO
Get the instruction manual for reaching page one of Google

The SOP Collection is a series of detailed procedures that walk you through the important SEO steps you need to take to rank your site on page #1 of Google

Illustration of the SOP Collection with SEO Impact & Difficulty

Latest Update: now including 66 SOPs (over 700 pages) 🤩

(4.7/5 from 2,000+ users)
Trusted by 21,862 people like you, who now do SEO the smart way! 4 sold today

What would reaching page #1 of Google mean for your biz?

Imagine a constant stream of customers landing on your website.

You’re not chasing after leads, they’re coming to you. You’re not wondering where the next customers are coming from, they’re bashing down your door. What would that do to your business’s finances? What about for you personally?

But people will tell you that SEO is hard. That it’s easy to waste your time and money. And they’d be right.

SEO is hard, unless you have an instruction manual.

Think of it like building a house. Each small step required is not difficult to understand, or even to execute.

But if I told you to build a house for me, without any instructions, you’d probably fail spectacularly (at best it would take you 10 times longer and cost 10 times more than it should).

Getting to page one of Google is the same; there’s nothing mentally taxing about it. But because there are so many different steps to take, it sure does help to have the instruction manual.

Introducing The SOP Collection

The SOP Collection is a series of detailed standard operating procedures (SOPs) for every important SEO task you need to complete if you want to rank on page #1 of Google. We’re talking about idiot-proof step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow.

  • Get instant access
  • Easy to get started

Choose your SEO twin

Which person sounds like you?

diy seo guy
“I want traffic,
but don’t know what to do.”
agency director
"I need SEO process docs, but don’t have the time.”
"It’s hard to scale without processes

You want Google traffic flowing to your website. No, scrap that. You want a Niagara Falls level of traffic flooding to your site. There’s only one small problem: you don’t know what you’re doing.

“I need step-by-step processes to follow”

Wouldn't life be easier with an instruction manual? Instead of endless trial and error (that sucks up your time), you need the instruction manual for getting to the top of Google.

Nope, this aint' me

You’re serving demanding clients. Trying to get your team to do more in less time. And you’d like employee training to be more than, “Just sit with John and copy what he does.”

“I need done-for-me standard operating procedures.“

But that’s the catch-22 of agency life. You know detailed step-by-step process documents will save you a sh*t ton of time. But creating these documents will take you a sh*t ton of time. And you barely have time to scratch your ass.

Nope, this aint' me

You’re busy. But you keep getting caught up in the little things. When you should be focused on the big stuff. The strategy. The big deals. The product development. But SEO is a time suck like no other.

“I need help scaling my SEO mission”

You need help to delegate the SEO work, so you can focus on the more important tasks on your to-do list. You need step-by-step process documents, so you can quickly and easily hire a VA or freelancer (to do the SEO donkey work for you).

Nope, this aint' me

This is why I love organic traffic from Google

Answer this question. Before someone clicks through to your website from Google, what are they doing?

I’ll tell you what they’re not doing. They’re not scrolling through Facebook looking for a dopamine hit. And they’re not busy doing something else.

No. They’ve stopped what they’re doing and they’re focused on the task of finding a solution to their problem. They are looking for your help.

That’s why I love SEO and organic traffic. I don’t have to jump up and down in someone’s social media feed trying to get their attention.

People searching in Google have already qualified themselves; they’re a more targeted prospect. And they have a heightened desire to solve the problem they have (evidenced by the fact they have stopped what they’re doing to seek help).

SEO is simply about making sure your website shows up in Google so that it is YOU that can help that person (with your information or your product or service).

The SOP Collection will help you take the necessary SEO steps, so you can rank your site at the top of Google.

This is why you want to be on the first page of Google

  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    9 in 10 adults use search engines to find information
    (let’s help them find your site).
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Google controls over 90% of the search market
    (that’s about 6 billion searches a day).
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    About 95% of searchers only look at the first page of
    (page one is where it’s at).
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    The top organic search result gets most of the clicks
    (around 30% of all clicks).
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Moving up one position in the search results can increase click through rates by over 30%.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    46% of all searches are looking for local info
    (don’t miss this valuable local traffic)
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    People trust highly ranked sites more
    (and trust leads to higher conversion rates).
Ranking highly in Google could be lucrative for your business

So what’s stopping you going all in with SEO?



SEO is not smart marketing

“I’ve heard SEO is dead. And social media and paid ads are where I should be focused.”

Ask any CEO or business owner whose company is on page one of Google if they think SEO is dead. I’ll save you the time: they’ll tell you that they love the highly targeted, high-converting traffic hitting their website every day.

Google has become an essential life tool. It helps us find the valuable information we need. Search engines (and therefore SEO) are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. So learning how to get your site onto page #1 of Google is incredibly important.



It didn’t work before

“I tried SEO before but despite a load of hard work, I never saw any results.”

Imagine you’re trying to get fit. Should you give up because a particular diet or exercise regime didn’t work out? Of course not. The same goes for reaching page #1 in Google.

It’s natural to want to give up. But I’d suggest it’s not the goal of more organic traffic that's the problem, it’s the way you went about achieving it. Perhaps you didn’t have the right guide. With a clear roadmap, and detailed instructions, you can achieve that goal.



You’re not sure what you’re doing

“SEO is complicated and I don’t know how to do everything, so it all feels pretty daunting.”

If you don’t know what you’re doing, SEO is daunting. It’s like trying to build IKEA furniture without the instructions. You could probably do it, but it will be much more difficult and frustrating.

The thing is, there is nothing hard to understand about SEO. It’s not quantum mechanics. But when you actually try to complete all the tasks, it’s easy to get stuck.

You don’t want to do it without the manual

You need detailed instructions on what SEO steps to take and how to take them. That’s why...

You need The SOP Collection

The SOP Collection will walk you through every important SEO task required to rank highly in Google. This isn’t just the “what” to do, it’s the “how” to do it. So you can follow along even if you’re new to SEO.

Important: These are not vague “how to” blog posts that aren’t actually helpful. These are the exact processes I have used to rank websites at the top of Google (and make a lot of money doing so).

  • Every key SEO task included
  • Detailed step by step guides

The SOP Collection by SEO Buddy

This is a series of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for you to follow. We’re talking idiot-proof detailed instructions you could give to your granny to make SEO progress (no offense to your granny).

  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Walk step-by-step through a process with instructions and screenshots
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Follow proven SEO procedures that have worked in the real world
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Find the exact instructions you need for a specific SEO task
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Learn the basic steps as well as the more advanced procedures

The resources you need to get SEO right first time. Every time.

Step-by-step process
Over-the-shoulder videos
Annotated screenshots
Animated GIFs
Customizable templates

Here’s every Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) you will get

There are 66 and counting. You can even request a new SOP. If enough people ask for it, we’ll create it and add it to your bundle free of charge.

Are YOU a good fit for the SOP Collection?

Who should get The SOP Collection
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You’d love more traffic going to your website, but you’re not sure what to do.
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You don’t have the time (or the will) to work this all out on your own.
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You want a proven step-by-step process (and to avoid inefficient trial and error).
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You’d like to scale your efforts by outsourcing work to team mates and VAs.
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You’d like to be able to guide clients on how to execute specific SEO tasks.
Who shouldn’t get The SOP Collection
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You’re not really convinced SEO is a smart way to market your business.
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You’d rather create and update standard operating procedures yourself (and you have the time).
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You already have all your SEO processes nailed down and documented in detail.
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You don’t see the value in having SEO procedures and a roadmap to follow.
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    You already have processes in place to train remote workers and virtual assistants.
Don’t want to do all the SEO work yourself?

The SOP Collection makes it easy to hire and train a team to do all the hard work for you

I’m not going to sugarcoat this. SEO can be a slog.

There’s a lot of repetitive, and frankly, boring stuff to do.

The bad news? Someone has to do it.

The good news? That someone doesn’t have to be you.

With job platforms like Upwork, it’s now easy to hire people who will perform SEO tasks for you.

However, while hiring people might be easy, making sure they do a good job is not.

Without processes in place, ensuring your freelancer or VA completes the right tasks (at the right time) can become a real headache.

With The SOP Collection, anyone you hire will follow the same step-by-step guide, whether they’re working in Philadelphia or the Philippines. It means…

- You’ll minimize the time it takes to train new team members.
- You’ll get a consistent approach and output from repeatable tasks.
- You’ll be better able to manage the activity of your team.

The SOP Collection is worth the price tag on its own. But…

If you’re the sort of person that likes to stay organised with a good to-do list, you’re going to love this…

Introducing the The SEO Checklist

The SEO Checklist is a step-by-step master document to help you stay organised. This Google Sheet is the perfect complement to your new collection of process documents. You will quickly be able to assess your website, identify what needs to be done and track your progress.

  • SEO Checklist Cross
    Get a Google sheet containing 100+ key SEO action steps
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    Each SOP in the collection is mapped to the relevant SEO action
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    See the tools we recommended to get the job done
  • SEO Checklist Cross
    Get a Google sheet containing 100+ key SEO action steps

So with these two incredible SEO assets you have…

  1. Detailed instructions on each important SEO step (The SOP Collection)
  2. And an understanding of which steps to take (The SEO Checklist)

This is the perfect combination of resources to help you make progress up the Google rankings and get more of that money-making organic traffic.

The SOP Collection and SEO Checklist cover all the key areas of SEO you should be thinking about

The Foundation
To build a solid house, you have to start with the foundations. SEO is no different.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    How to set up Google Analytics
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    How to start tracking your keywords
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Tracking important metrics in Google Search Console
User Experience
Google cares about the experience a person has when they land on your site. So you should too.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    How to check your site loads quickly and is mobile friendly
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Making sure you have short and easy to read URLs
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    See how to improve your site by watching people use it
When you create awesome content, people will share it, quality sites will link to it and Google will love you for it.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Learn to use Google to get SEO boosting content ideas
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    See how to do quick and effective keyword research
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Identify and fix content issues that damage your ranking
Learn how to make sure your website is running like a high performance engine. So everything loads like lightning.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Fine tune your website for SEO boosting performance
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Learn to optimize images to boost website speed
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    How to choose your web host and get the most from them
On-page SEO
It’s key that you make every page on your site easy for search engines to crawl and for people to use.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Position keywords so Google notices and values your content
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Dealing with images so Google can understand and include them
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Get more clicks in the SERPs with better page titles and meta descriptions
Off-page SEO
People need to know about your website before you can convert them. Off-page SEO helps create awareness of your website.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    How to find and gain the most valuable backlinks for your site
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Learn effective link building and outreach strategy
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Using social media to climb the Google rankings
Technical SEO
Set your site up for success and avoid the common technical pitfalls that can harm your SEO efforts.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Guide Google so it looks at your most valuable web pages
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Keeping URLs, links and meta tags clear, tidy and user friendly
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Structuring your site and submitting sitemaps to Google.
Local SEO
With 46% of searchers looking for local information, there is a goldmine of traffic available if your customers are local to you.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Optimize local listings in search engines and major directories
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Maximize your exposure to prospects that live locally
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Gain customer reviews and use them to boost SEO
No more confusion. No more trial and error

That covers every single key area of SEO, so you’re able to rank your website at the summit of Google

  • The SOP Collection
    (value 297)
  • The 102-Point SEO Checklist
    (value 187)
  • The SEO Checklist eBook
    (value $47)
  • Bonus #1: The SEO Checklist Trello Board
    (value $47)
  • Bonus #2: A 52-WEEK Content Planning Calendar Method + Trello Board (value $470)
  • Bonus #3: One month Startup Plan on SEOBUDDY (value $47)
  • Bonus #4: The Content Distribution Checklist (value $47)
$97 TODAY!
“Wait, what are all the extras?”

Let’s take a look at these bonuses for you…

Preview of the Checklist Trello Board Preview of the Checklist Trello Board Preview of the Checklist Trello Board
Bonus #1: The SEO Checklist Trello Board
If you like to stay organised (or you really need to get more organised), this is perfect for you. This Trello board comes pre-populated with all the checklist items, so you can systematically work through all your SEO tasks.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Set deadlines, keep notes, and prioritise your work
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Assign tasks to your team and easily track who has done what
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Get the satisfaction of moving tasks through your workflow
Bonus #2: 52-WEEK Content Planning Calendar Method + Trello Board
Creating killer content is key to ranking highly in Google. But if you've ever gone on a serious content marketing mission, you’ll know it can quickly suck all your time, money and energy. The 52-week planner will help you plan and execute your entire content marketing effort.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Create an SEO boosting content plan for the next year
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Stay organised at every stage of the content creation process
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Learn how to create content that people and Google will value
Preview of the 52 Week Content Calendar Trello Board Preview of the 52 Week Content Calendar Trello Board Preview of the 52 Week Content Calendar Trello Board Preview of the 52 Week Content Calendar Trello Board
Preview of the 52 Week Content Calendar Trello Board Preview of the 52 Week Content Calendar Trello Board SEO Buddy Checklist Web Application
Bonus #3: One month access to the “Startup” Plan on SEOBUDDY
SEOBUDDY is a new SaaS tool that makes SEO simple, fun and repeatable. Its killer feature is making the competitive analysis of search results (a key SEO task) faster and easier, so you can boost the authority of your domain and climb the rankings.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Discover SEO-boosting backlink and content opportunities in the results
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Eliminate repetitive analysis work as Google constantly updates its index
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Track the performance of your keywords, backlinks and competitors
This is not for everyone… .

Not everyone has what it takes to get to page #1 of Google

Getting to page #1 will likely be financially lucrative for your business. Get to position number one and it could transform your business and your life.

But the thing is, some people expect success like that to happen without the hard work. They think a new book, or new course, or new resource will be the magical answer they’ve been looking for.

But the truth is, there are no shortcuts for SEO. It is a long game and results don’t happen overnight – you simply have to put the work in. If you’re prepared to do that, the SOP Collection will help you on your journey to the very top of Google.

Still reading? Good…

You’re prepared to put the work in 💪
You just want some guidance, right?

In life, success never happens overnight (except winning the lottery). Take learning to play a musical instrument, for example. To be successful, you have to play little and often – you have to make steady, consistent progress.

SEO is the same. To rank on page #1, you have to consistently take small steps forward. Most people can’t maintain that effort over time, so you will outrank your competitors in Google if you do SEO little and often.

The SOP Collection will help you make this consistent progress. If you want more traffic, more leads, more customers and more revenue, then it’s time to take action.

With detailed processes and a roadmap to follow, The SOP Collection will help you work smarter and get the SEO results you want

The SOP Collection bundle will help you make progress…

SEO Checklist Illustration

Latest Update: now including 66 SOPs (over 700 pages) 🤩

  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Even if you’re completely new to SEO and the whole thing seems overwhelming. The step-by-step SOP instructions will be perfect for you.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Even if you’ve given SEO a go before, but never achieved any noteworthy results. The SEO Checklist will ensure you focus on the right actions and help you stay on track and make progress.
  • SEO Checklist Blue Bullet Point
    Even if you’re an experienced SEO. With one low cost purchase, you’ll instantly have all your important processes documented. Just think about the time that’ll save you!
This content is based on the real results I’ve achieved

Follow this guidance and you can achieve SEO results like me…

Google Analytics screenshot showing 4x traffic growth in 4 months
I took from zero traffic to 1.4 million hits per month.
Google Analytics screenshot showing month-to-month consistent website growth
Achieving 1st place in Google for an important keyword

Hey, I’m Romain Brabant 👋

15 years ago, I decided that I was going to focus on SEO to achieve business success. And I’m really glad I did.

I learnt how to rank websites at the top of Google. And I’ve seen just how much money you can make when you can direct a flood of organic traffic toward your website. Put simply, it changed my life.

But listen, it was not easy.
In the beginning I struggled with SEO…

… All the advice out there was overwhelming.
… I’d quickly get lost in all the tasks I had to do.
… I didn’t know what I should be doing from day to day.
… And I wasted time because I had no repeatable processes.

Picture of Romain Brabant CEO of SEO Buddy

That’s because I had no roadmap or instructions to follow. It was all trial and error. And the thing about trial and error is it’s incredibly inefficient and frustrating.

Without instructions, you’re going to waste a lot of time and money.

I wish I’d had The SOP Collection when I first started out. Knowing the amount of time, money and stress this will save you, it’s worth 100 times what it’ll cost you today.

That’s why my team and I have spent countless hours preparing all of these SEO process documents, checklists and resources for you. So that you can enjoy some of the success I’ve had from ranking high up in Google.

Trust me, when that traffic starts flowing, you’ll be so glad you focused on SEO as a way to drive revenue for your business.

Romain Brabant | Founder of SEO Buddy
Don’t waste time and make the mistakes I did…

Get The SOP Collection bundle today and get more of that life-changing Google traffic

  • The SOP Collection
    (value 297)
  • The 102-Point SEO Checklist
    (value 187)
  • The SEO Checklist eBook
    (value $47)
  • Bonus #1: The SEO Checklist Trello Board
    (value $47)
  • Bonus #2: A 52-WEEK Content Planning Calendar Method + Trello Board (value $470)
  • Bonus #3: One month Startup Plan on SEOBUDDY (value $47)
  • Bonus #4: The Content Distribution Checklist (value $47)
$97 TODAY!

Get instant access today

The SOP Collection by SEO Buddy
Illustration of an SOP Collection Board

Latest Update:
now including 66 SOPs (over 700 pages)


Get instant access today


  • The SOP Collection
    $ 199
  • The 102-Point SEO Checklist
    $ 299
  • The SEO Checklist eBook
    $ 29
  • Bonus #1: The SEO Checklist Trello Board
    $ 10
  • Bonus #2: A 52-WEEK Content Planner + Trello Board
    Bonus #2: A 52-WEEK Content Planner + Trello Board
    $ 99
  • Bonus #3: One month Startup Plan on SEO Buddy
    $ 47
  • The Content Distribution Checklist
    $ 47
  • Order total
    $ 683
  • You only pay
  • Secure payment processing
  • Get instant access
  • Free updates for life

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What exactly is The SOP Collection bundle?

    The SOP Collection is a series of process documents that will walk you step-by-step through every important SEO task you need to perform to rank your site on page one of Google.

    We’re not talking SEO articles that vaguely tell you what you should be doing. We’re talking incredibly detailed instructions, with screenshots and animations showing you exactly what to do and how to do it.

    Plus you get The SEO Checklist, a value packed spreadsheet containing all the important SEO steps and actions you need to consider. Keeping everything you need to do in one place, it’s the master document you’ll keep coming back to. For each project you work on, you can create a new version of the document and work through it step-by-step (using the SOPs to help you execute that task).

  • What level of SEO experience do I need to use The SOP Collection?

    Whether you’re an SEO newbie, or you are experienced, this will be useful to you. If you’re new to SEO, the SEO Checklist will be invaluable as a guiding roadmap (you’ll always know what has and hasn’t been done).

    If you’re experienced and knowledge isn’t what’s lacking, the 52-week Content Calendar and the Checklist Trello Board will help you stay in control of your SEO efforts. And if you own an SEO agency and know everything there is, The SOP collection is still going to be incredibly valuable to you. With done-for-you process documentation, you can make your team more consistent and efficient.

    And whatever your level, SEOBUDDY will make the important task of analysing the search results for backlink and content opportunities faster and easier.

  • What exactly is The SEO Checklist?

    The SEO Checklist itself is a value packed spreadsheet containing all the important SEO steps and actions you need to consider. Keeping everything you need to do in one place, it’s the master document you’ll keep coming back to.

    For each project you work on, you can create a new version of the document and work through it step-by-step. Within the document there are the steps to take, recommendations on the tools you might need, plus links to resources that will help you complete those steps (this is usually a step-by-step process document, but could also be a link to another useful resource to help you).

  • What level of SEO experience do I need to use The SEO Checklist?

    These resources will be useful whatever level of SEO knowledge you have. For the business owner with little SEO experience, you now have a guiding document for all your efforts – a single comprehensive checklist of all the SEO actions you should be taking.

    If you’ve tried SEO before and know your way around a bit, The SEO Checklist will help you stay organized. Bonuses like the 52-week content calendar will help you manage this critical piece of the SEO puzzle. And, you’re going to love SEOBUDDY to help you analyse the SERPs for opportunities.

    And even if you’re an expert, or run an SEO agency, you probably don’t have all your procedures documented. We’ve spent countless hours creating detailed process documents, which will help your team stay consistent and efficient.

  • Ok, but I’m a complete SEO newbie looking for guidance, will this work for me?

    It will, and here’s how. I’ve considered someone just like you in the design of the SEO Checklist. I asked and answered the question: what would someone who wanted to rank higher need to know, if they knew nothing about SEO?

    The Checklist makes it crystal clear what SEO actions you need to take. And with the SOP collection, you also get help with how to take those actions. These step by step instructions (packed with screenshots) are designed just for you.

  • I’m a little confused, is this a training course?

    Although you’re getting a lot of training, this is not a course. The SEO Checklist is an actionable checklist for you to follow as you work. You perform an action (we guide you on exactly how to do each step) and then you move onto the next step. It’s your master guide to help you as you work.

    Plus, you’re getting a collection of process documents to help you execute. And the project planning and strategy tools you need to stay organized and on track.

  • Will you give me a refund if I don’t like it?

    Because this is a digital product that you can’t return, refunds are not available. I know you’re not sneaky, but unfortunately (and this probably won’t surprise you), some of our fellow humans are willing to cheat; buying a digital product and then instantly requesting a refund to avoid paying.

    I’ve tried to be very clear on this page what you’re getting, so there are no surprises. But let me explain again.

    The SEO Checklist is firstly a Google Sheet, that details all the key steps you need to take to optimise your website for a better ranking in the SERPs. You also get over 30 process documents (standard operating procedures) that walk you step-by-step through some of the key tasks contained in the checklist.

    Plus you get 4 bonuses: A pre-populated Trello board with the steps from the checklist; a 52-week content planner that shows you how to create SEO focused content; a free month’s access to SEO Buddy, a software tool that helps you efficiently analyse the SERPs for valuable backlink and content ideas (a key SEO task); and the Content Distribution Checklist so more people see your content.

    The SEO Checklist is not a magic bullet. You can’t just buy it, you’re going to have to put the work in, too. If you’re prepared to do that, it will help you make progress by showing you what you need to do, and how you need to do it.

    If you’re unsure, click here and I’ll send you a free taster of the product, so you can get a sense for what you’re buying.

  • No offense, but who are you and why should I trust what you say?

    None taken. I’m Romain, from France (now living in The Bahamas). I’m just a normal entrepreneur that achieved financial success because I learnt how to rank sites in Google.

    So I’m not an SEO “guru” selling unproven information products. I just focused on SEO as a channel to drive traffic to my businesses, and found success doing that. It’s this real world knowledge and practical experience that I’ve packaged for you, so you can get a shortcut to my SEO success.

    You can check me out on Linkedin here. I’m also the founder of SEOBUDDY (access to which is included as a bonus in this bundle). SEOBUDDY is a SaaS tool designed to make SEO easier, more repeatable and fun, so you make consistent progress up the Google rankings.

  • How is the content delivered?

    You get instant access to the entire bundle, with links to the documents emailed to you. You’ll have to start an account in SEOBUDDY, but that takes about one minute (and has a library of resources to help you if you get stuck).

  • How long does it take to work through the checklist and start seeing results?

    Here’s the hard truth. SEO is not a sprint. It’s not even a marathon. It’s an ongoing mission. You have to keep the wheel spinning (but the same goes for any marketing).

    So there is no simple answer. That said, here’s a rough guide:

    The foundation part of the checklist can take less than 2 days to implement and you’re pretty much set for life.

    The User Experience, Performance, Technical SEO, and On-Page SEO parts are more about building habits to ensure your content and site are "SEO friendly".

    It’s the Content and Off-Page SEO part that’s the long-game.

    If you already have some content on your site, and some authority, you can implement the SEO Checklist and get results in as little as 3-6 weeks.

    If your website is new and you have little authority, it’s more like 3 months at least before you’ll start to see results. And then you’re building from there.

    The secret? Take small regular steps forward. It takes time. But it’s worth it.

  • When does the 30-days free access to SEO Buddy begin?

    You can redeem your free 30-days of SEO Buddy at any time, there is no time limit. So you can buy the Checklist today and then whenever you’re ready to make the most of your SEO Buddy free trial, simply sign up then.

    When that time comes, create your SEO Buddy account and add the first domain that you wish to rank for, using the same email that you used to buy the SEO Checklist. When your account is created, click the “activate bonus” button in the upper right corner of your dashboard screen (this is only visible for The SEO Checklist buyers). Your 30 days starts from this point. If you need a hand, you can reach us at [email protected]

  • I’m using the Shopify/WordPress/Ghost/WooCommerce/Wix CMS, will the SEO Checklist still be good for me?

    Yes it will. Only about 10 items from our 102-point checklist are exclusive to WordPress (and even those likely have an equivalent for your specific CMS). So at least 90% of the Checklist will be useful for you whatever tech you’re using.

  • Will you provide me with an invoice after payment, and what about VAT or Sales Tax?

    Yes, once your order is complete, you will instantly receive an invoice via email. VAT, or another local sales tax, may be added to the price, depending on your current location. If you’re a VAT registered business, provide your VAT number during checkout and you will not be charged VAT. All orders are securely processed by Paddle, our payment merchant service.

  • I can't afford the SEO Checklist right now, can you help me? Is there a student or charity discount?

    If you’re a registered student or charity, we can provide a discount off the price of the Checklist bundle. Please email [email protected] for more details. If you’re neither of these, but can’t afford the checklist at the moment, perhaps we can help each other out in some way. I’m open to suggestions. Please email me at the same address.

  • Do you have an Affiliate Program?

    Yes, we do. Please email me at [email protected] to receive your invitation.

  • Why is it so cheap?

    I’m trying to help smaller businesses crack the SEO code, so they can get more organic Google traffic. But I know budgets are often limited (especially this year), so I wanted to make it as affordable as I can. If you put the work in, this price represents an enormous amount of value.

  • Why is it so expensive?

    This is a roadmap to rank your website high in Google, a goal that took me years of work to achieve. This will help you do that in way less time and with way less hassle. And it has taken time to produce (the SOPs alone are over 400 pages of original content). If you don’t think you can leverage this tool to make climbing Google easier, then it’s probably not right for you.

  • I have a discount code/coupon, how to apply it during checkout?

    You can apply your discount code during checkout at step 3. Step 1 is to enter your email, Step 2 is to select your Region/Zip Code, and finally on Step 3, before picking the payment option (Credit Card or PayPal or Apple Pay), you should see the option to "Add Coupon" as shown in the picture below:

  • Searching for “SEO Checklist” into Google doesn't show you in 1st Position, why should I trust you?

    One of the most crucial elements of SEO is Keyword Research and pick the right challenge (find a keyword with decent search volume and low difficulty). While you build the authority of your domain, you work your way up with less competitive keywords.

    With the SEO Checklist, we're obviously in a highly competitive industry with competitors who are all SEO Experts.

    So let's looks at the keyword: "SEO Checklist":

    It has a difficulty of 56 (Hard)

    But we're already in the top 10 for that keyword in the USA. We're not ashamed of this result 6 months from our launch (we start the SEO Checklist in November 2020)

    Today we're ranking for 233 keywords:

    And are working hard on our Domain Authority:

    Eventually, we'll get there at one point (then I will make a massive brag about that on our Sales Landing Page)

It’s time to invest in your business

That’s what you’re doing when you focus on SEO. You’re not relying on interrupting people with your adverts. Or trying to get a tiny sliver of attention on social media. You’re making sure your website is there when people need help.

You’re turning your website into a more profitable money-making asset.

And you’re building a business that’s not dependent on the whims of other platforms. Yes, you have to play by Google’s rules. But those rules are simply about ensuring people find the high-quality and trustworthy websites they’re looking for. Your website should be one of them.

“I thought it would be good, but the SOP collection is incredibly useful. The processes are so detailed. If you’re unsure about something, you can literally follow the steps one at a time and get the job done.”
“If this feels like it’s right for you, don’t think twice. I can tell you these procedure documents are great.”
“Just reviewed the whole checklist bundle. It is going to help me loads and save a ton of time. AND it’s really cheap. Thanks.”
“What a great SEO toolkit. The checklist is great to help you understand what you need to do, but you also get all the process docs to follow. At this price it’s a no-brainer.”

Get The SOP Collection and get your website on page one of Google

  • Comprehensive SEO guidance
  • Step-by-step instructions
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